The ADHD Cheat Sheet To Finally Get Your Life Going.
Learn why it feels like nothing ever goes your way and why success seems to avoid you. Then learn how to re-program your ADHD brain to stop the suffering and finally achieve something meaningful.
- Find out exactly what you're doing wrong.
- Overcome your lack of motivation.
- Stop quitting half way through things.

ADHD Isn't The Problem...
Actually its just the "cause" of the familiar issues we all share. The real problem lies within how our ADHD brains rationalize and deal with these issues.
No one "likes" doing the dishes. The difference between us and neuro-typical brains is that they can get up and do them anyway. We just sit there frozen in dread like Han Solo in carbonite.
This doesn't make you a bad person. It just means you have a neuro-divergence that makes it damn near impossible to do things you don't want to do. The solution lies in lightening your emotional load. You can do that by changing the way you feel about yourself and how you fit in the world.
Finding A Path to Live Effectively In A World That Wasn't Built for The Way Your Brain Works
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Relating to others to is very important with ADHD, but It doesn't always help you move forward. Discover strategies that actually help you get un-stuck.
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If someone told you there were practical things you could do to lighten your emotional burden, feel happier, and actually finish something - you would listen right?
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My original intent for this website was to put most of the content behind a pay wall. But I decided to trust in the kindness of my ADHD community to reward my hard work by simply asking for donations.
I have spent years of my life and thousands of hours to accumulate and create this content. I wholeheartedly would love to keep sharing with you.
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I'm Reformatted Dan
You won't see my picture plastered all over my website, but I am a real person eager to share my stories and experiences. I'm not looking for attention or fame. I just wan't to share what I have learned over a lifetime of struggling with ADHD and my unique perspective of lessons learned because most of my life...I never knew I had it...
I think we all want to have our experiences and life's lessons mean something - essentially give our lives "personal" meaning - outside of our families. This website is my way of making a small contribution toward that goal.