Hi, I'm Reformatted Dan...
I wish I was this handsome... I uploaded a picture to ChatGPT and asked it to make a cartoon version of myself and this is what came back. Apparently AI appeals more to vanity than reality... (LOL!)
Anyway, this will work until I find a way to create something more realistic. Please read more about me below.
This Website Is Not About Me, It's About You.
I don't want this site to be about some guru glorifying themselves and sharing empty advice just to get money and fame. I don't need fame or recognition, but I do want to help other people suffering with the same problems I have. At the same time I want us to get to know each other so we can share stories and strategies to improve our lives. I have done my best to make this information financially attainable for everybody. And your support with the site allows me to keep this community going and provide new content targeting the issues you face with ADHD.
Uncovering Truths
I want to show you the often unseen truths of life by sharing insights that remain hidden to many. This knowledge will help you break the cycle of making the same mistakes over and over giving you the wisdom to make clearer decisions. You'll have a newfound "knowing" that you are on the right path in life.
Shared Burdens
I'm just like you, I've experienced the ups and downs, the silent battles, and the longing for understanding. Some of the greatest strength I've gained is learning about other people who see things the same way as me. In sharing my journey and what I've learned, I hope to remind you that you are not alone.
Why Should You Listen To Me?
Honestly, I don't want you to take all of my advice and do everything I say. The point of this website is to share what I have learned and what has worked for me. Don't take everything as the definitive answers to ADHD. Use what relates to you, try some things out, and leave what you don't like.
Now, having said all of that, here some things to help you get to know me better...
- I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until I was 49 years old. I kind of knew I always had it, but I didn't realize it was the cause of most of the roadblocks I faced in my life.
- My gift is the desire for extreme self awareness. The thing that makes my life experience unique is the journey I had to take trying to figure myself out because I didn't know I had ADHD. This cultivated a strong sense of self honesty and self awareness that was necessary if I wanted to improve my life. As a result, I also developed keen insights to human behavior.
- I don't have any formal education in psychology and I dropped out of college after 2 years. However, I have spent the better part of 30 years educating myself on the subject. I think because I've been so curious about how to fix myself, I am fascinated by human behavior and the things that drive us to do what we do. I'm kind of a geek about it.
- I had the idea for this website for over 20 years before I finally started building it. Part of it was ADHD (without knowing it), and part of it was I always knew there was something missing. I just couldn't get myself to start giving people advice until I could provide a complete picture for solutions to their problems. I was still looking for them myself.
- I have been an entrepreneur and self employed most of my life. Most of us with ADHD have an entrepreneurial spirit. I think we are drawn to it because its easier have our lives conform to our brains instead of the other way around.
- I've been married since 1996 and have two daughters. My wife has been the best medicine for my ADHD. She is a neurotypical and picks up all of my slack without shaming or judging me. The top advice I have for you is to have a partner who cares enough to be understanding and show them appreciation for it every day. You'll discover a closeness you didn't know existed.
Why "Reformatted Mind"?
The Inspiration Behind The Idea
The idea for "Reformatted Mind" hit me like a ton of bricks during my own jagged journey of self-improvement. When I was young I thought I had it all figured out, but in reality, I was just scraping by.
As time went on I was having trouble understanding why things never quite lined up the way I wanted. And it dawned on me that much of what I believed about life was off the mark—way off.
As I dug deeper and uncovered the reason for mistake after mistake, I realized that my entire "operating system"—my entire way of thinking—needed an overhaul.
It was time to start questioning "everything" I previously believed in order to find the truth about how life is supposed to work and how I can adjust myself to mesh with it better.
Soon, I began to see it in others too. People struggling under the weight of misconceptions and preconceived notions—unwilling to adjust their thinking when things didn't work. Just like a fly trying to get out of a closed window; they keep banging their heads against it, believing if they just "keep trying" it will happen.
That's where "Reformatted Mind" was born—I wanted to help people learn that they don't need to "add to their programming", but they need to clear out their minds like reformatting a hard drive and begin installing a whole new operating system.
The goal? To clear out the junk, the old programming that tells us we're not enough, that success is just out of reach, and to replace it with the tools to find real motivation, chase down those dreams, and actually catch them.
"Reformatted Mind" isn't just a website; it's a lifeline thrown into the chaotic seas of misinformation and quick fixes. It's about learning how to find where the real problems are (inside you) and fixing them there. That is how you truly change your life.