Herding Kittens





17 Lessons

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Herding Kittens

Module 1 - Finding Your Bearings

2 Chapters

Self Awareness: The foundation to begin healing.

3 Lessons

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This is an introduction to the course letting you know you're not alone.

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The big lie is the idea that at some point all of the pieces will fall into place and you will be able to live the rest of your life on cruise control...this is a trap.

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You need to accept the fact that your brain doesn't work the same as everyone else's and you have to find a new way to cope.

Text lesson

The Underestimated Role of Shame in ADHD

6 Lessons

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Shame is your constant companion and the root cause of why you're so lost.

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Module 2 - Surrender to a Better Life

5 Lessons

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With an ADD mind, you think finding happiness will fix your problems. In reality, what your searching for is "relief".

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Manifesting will teach you the most powerful lesson that an ADD mind should use to find relief from the chaos...learning how to "let go"

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Setting up your life to feel good about yourself from your "efforts" not your "results".

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Feelings are our enemy when we use them to make decisions, but they become an ally when you use them for guidance.

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You can only be happy in the present. Gratitude is the gift that can make you happy every day. Here's how.

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Module 3 - Action Plan - Doing What Works And Feeling Good About It.

3 Lessons

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You've convinced yourself a win is getting a desired result. Actually a win is something completely different.

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Get caught up and stay there. Simplify your life to stay on top of things and success is unavoidable.

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You've wasted enough time waiting to be happy. Redefine what makes you happy and you can have it every day.

Text lesson


About the teacher

Reformatted Dan

I am a self-improvement enthusiast with a particular focus on navigating life with ADHD. Drawing from my personal experiences, observations, and insights, I aim to share practical tips and relatable stories to inspire and empower others on similar journeys.

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